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Welcome to Evolve Online Learning: Online training and personal development courses from acclaimed business skills coach Martin Crump. Upgrade your personal and professional skills and unlock your potential

You might have heard the phrase ‘If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got’; but in a rapidly changing environment, this isn’t true – you’ll get less than you always got. It’s evolve or die: if you don’t adapt, you won’t succeed.

In the coaching and training industry we think about change a lot. We’re in the business of helping people deal with change, and we’ve spent over 25 years researching, learning and analysing the best strategies to make the most of change. We’ve developed an extremely effective, results-based process for making the most of every situation you might find yourself in – whether that’s professional or personal.

We’ve worked with everyone from the NHS, BAE Systems, B&Q and Co-Op, to self-employed individuals, seasoned professionals changing career and stuck people dealing with – or planning for – periods of radical change in their lives.

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“Having completed the NLP Business Practitioner course half in person and half online due to COVID-19, I found Martin’s online sessions just as interesting and engaging as the face-to-face meetings. The Practitioner course has been incredibly useful in a number of areas, from copywriting and marketing to my own personal goals and relationships. It really has changed the way I think and I feel that my communication skills – both personal and professional – have really benefited from the course.”

Holly Carberry, Holly Carberry Digital Marketing

100% satisfied with the course; I haven’t found an area of my life that this hasn’t or doesn’t impact on in a positive way. Everyone should have one!

Yvonne Lister – Imerys Minerals Limited

I wanted to refresh my NLP skills after completing a brilliant course with Martin and the Evolve team a number of years ago so I accessed the online resources. I really enjoyed the videos and reflecting on how I can use elements of NLP to help my coaching clients. As a learning & development professional, it also reminded me of ways I can bring my online and face to face training sessions to life. I valued the practicality of the resources.  As it was online I could listen to the sessions a few times to help me really grasp the ideas.

Sally Beyer – Certified NeuroTransformational Coach

This has been one of the most enjoyable courses I have attended during my career. I can certainly say I have learnt more during these 6 months that will enable me to perform better than any of the traditional management courses I have been sent on.

Tracy Winser – Director, Southams District Council

This Course has had a hugely positive impact on every aspect of my life- work, personal, relationships and my personal identity. I enjoyed sharing my experiences with others and taking time out for my personal career development.

Rachel Picken – MPAD

How it works: online courses from £0/month

We’ve covered everything you might need to make changes in your life, tackle a new job, set goals for the future, and get better at what you do. When you’re ready to start learning, sign up for a membership. You’ll get access to our online content, plus monthly progress check-ins, Q&As with Martin Crump, and lots more.

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